A blog about: Being a Disgruntled Bookseller • Books • Bookselling • Bookstores • Customers (and why I sometimes hate them) • Cow-workers • Other stuff
"Do you have anything by Moby Dick?" reminds me of the new cashier we had just before I left who was frantically looking for "Shakespeare" by Julius Ceasar.
See, this was after they instituted the psych test for new applicants. We got alot of gullable, noncynical dunderheads, but not too many folks who knew anything about books.
Note: all the managers took the "test" just for fun and half of them failed.
DO NOT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE TEST. I haven't taken it, although I keep saying I will. I really want to know what it is about the test that selects for people with absolutely no work ethic. I also don't think it does a great job (as it is supposed) of selecting for honesty. We've hired more than one sociopath since the test was instituted. As for measuring intelligence or knowledge of books -- it doesn't. Period.
Just in case I haven't been anal
enough about making the identity of Big Bigstore unclear,
let me make this disclaimer: The opinions contained in this
blog are mine and mine only. I like working for Big
Bookstore. While no corporation is perfect, Big Bookstore
has been a great place to work for the last seven years,
and I think it offers good opportunities and decent
benefits to its employees. I hope to keep working for Big
Bookstore Corp for years to come.
Also, this blog is mean. If you don't like mean people,
don't read this blog. I don't like some of my cow-workers.
I think I'm usually pretty clear about this in person,
so it shouldn't come as any surprise here. A lot of my
cow-workers don't like me either. And that's: OK.
Furthermore, this blog is intended for the purpose
of humor. Therefore, phrases such as "club like
a baby seal" or "foot up your ass" are metaphorical in
nature, intended for the purposes of exaggerated humor
and in no way intended to convey any intent, whatsoever,
to actually threaten, intimidate, or do bodily harm
to any individual. I know! Can you believe I
actually have to say that? Jeez.
"Do you have anything by Moby Dick?" reminds me of the new cashier we had just before I left who was frantically looking for "Shakespeare" by Julius Ceasar.
See, this was after they instituted the psych test for new applicants. We got alot of gullable, noncynical dunderheads, but not too many folks who knew anything about books.
Note: all the managers took the "test" just for fun and half of them failed.
DO NOT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE TEST. I haven't taken it, although I keep saying I will. I really want to know what it is about the test that selects for people with absolutely no work ethic. I also don't think it does a great job (as it is supposed) of selecting for honesty. We've hired more than one sociopath since the test was instituted. As for measuring intelligence or knowledge of books -- it doesn't. Period.
Hmmm. I guess I did get started on the test.
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